
Archive for the ‘KNOCK AROUND (1)’ Category


knock about = knock around = hit a lot


  • Don’ t knock about the box. There are eggs in it.
  • He ‘s very violent. People say he knocks his wife and his children around.
  • The poor old man was knocked around by the ruthless gang. 
  • The dog ‘s house was knocked about by the storm. 
  • The heavy rain has knocked around our fence in the back yard. 
  • The plumber had to knock around three walls to fix our plumbing.   

break up (with) = end a relationship

  • Their marriage broke up after only two years.
  • James broke up with Mary last week.
  • Is it true they have broken up?
  • Her mother never really liked  him. Sometimes I thought she was trying to break them up.
  • She has broken up with her boyfriend for good this time.
  • I always thought this friendship would never break up.

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